Uffington Park needed to be traversed to get from the River Gwash back towards the River Welland for them both to get round Copthill.

A footpath from Uffington to Stamford crosses the canal just south of the weir which has substantial stone built supports for a wooden bridge.

This bridge was most likely used by the horses to cross from the north side of the canal to the south at this point. The north side would have been used all the way from Stamford to this point.

Another footpath now follows the route of the towpath from here to the Bainton Road exit. A short distance further on, a brick arch type bridge was built to allow cattle to cross to get to the river for watering.

At the entrances to Uffington Park, noticeboards give further details of the route of the canal and details of its history.


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 The Stamford Canal << The earliest proper canal in England? <<
